Epitaur Capsules (270) Big Discount

Epitaur Capsules (270)

Epitaur Capsules (270)

Product Features

  • Please Note - Epitaur is recommended for dogs only. EPITAUR 500 is specifically formulated to contain ingredients thought to be able to help in cases of epilepsy.
  • Epitaur 500 is a nutritional supplement designed to boost the levels of specific nutrients which can sometimes be deficient in animals which develop epileptic fits.
  • Epitaur contains specific amino acids and vitamins which are known to be important in the correct functioning of the brain, and defficiency of these could be involved in the development of some cases of epilepsy.
  • It is thought that appropriate supplementation can also be of benefit to cases of epilepsy of other causes.
  • The dose of Epitaur is one to four capusles daily, depending on the size of the animal and the severity of any recent seizure activity. Epitaur capusles can be given directly by mouth, or added to food.

Product descriptions
Description : Contains: Taurine: High concentrations of Taurine are found in the nervous system it is an amino acid and a building block for others. It has a protective affect on the brain especially when dehydrated. We suggest all animals who suffer from fits should have a diet high in Taurine. Tyrosine: This amino acid is the building block for neurotransmitters such as dopamine and adrenaline and is an antioxidant. Zinc: Zinc deficiency can lead to destruction of nerve cells, it is essential for vision and cell growth. Magnesium: It is found in high concentrations in the brain, deficiency giving rise to mental confusion and problems with nerve conduction. It is critical to the functioning of many enzyme pathways and cellular functions. B complex vitamins: These vitamins help to maintain the health and proper functioning of the brain and other nerves. Deficiency can result in convulsions among many other symptoms Dosage (Canine): 1 capsule twice daily - up to 12kg 3 daily - from 12 to 24 kg 4 dail...

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